PARAFFIN SUPER TRACTOR OIL UNIVERSAL SAE10W40 is a very high efficiency multi-purpose oil of the STOU type, designed to meet the various lubrication requirements of modern agricultural machinery. It is suitable for diesel and gasoline engines, hydraulic systems and transmissions, with and without “wet” brakes and clutches. This oil has the highest quality high quality base oil and a unique additive system that provides very high resistance to oxidation and deposit formation, best performance at low temperatures and excellent stability of viscosity and volatility at high temperatures, eliminates noise in the “wet” brake system.

Features and Benefits
• High detergent dispersant properties and outstanding shear stability.
• Good extreme pressure properties.
• Offers outstanding wear protection for engines and others
components of construction equipment.
• Cleanliness and protection of modern engines
• Easy starting at low temperatures
• Protection of hydraulic system elements
• Proper operating conditions of the gear, clutch and wet brakes

It is recommended for use in engines, manual transmissions, hydraulic aggregates and final drives, with or without wet brakes, and multi plate differentials. Its special base oil and additive technology provide excellent deceleration values without any noises over the whole service period.


API CG-4/CF-4 / SF;
Transmission : API GL-4; Allison C4; Caterpillar TO-2